Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reflections on English 125

125 English course was one of the best courses i have ever had. It was a new experience to me to write and post my writing into so that my friends can log in and read my writing and post me there comments.

At the begging i thought my writing will not be improved but during the course i realised that my writing getting better. With the support from our instructor she showed me my weak area in the writing and i made some changes.

The most challenging part of my writing is the spelling. I need to improve this area and i need to work hard in it. its not sound difficult but its needs a hard work. Because the more rich vocabulary you have in your writing the better your writing.

At the end, this course was a first step to me to improve my writing but still need allot of offered if i would like to keep my writing level always up.

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